"We should probably first agree that this is a rather large topic. One might even call it rotund, ginormous, massive, weighty, of-gargantuan-proportions, etc. But lately I have heard from several would-be writers with a very common sentiment.
"I want to write a novel, I think I can write a novel, but for the love of Tim Gunn, how in the world do you write a novel?"
And that brings us to the most important advice I can offer in this How to Write a Novel overview. If you try and hold the entire novel in your head all at once and attempt to imagine it in its entirety and all of its various ins and outs, your brain will suddenly become so heavy that you will topple over backwards and pass out."
Just the imagery set me off.
Lately, I think I am going to explode. I've been on massive book launch, book writing, family crisis overload for about 3 months.
Tomorrow's post: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Secret(s) of Publishing
Yes, I will reveal ALL. Stay tuned, my darlings.
I am starting a major revision, almost a rewrite. I also suffer from exploding brain syndrome.
Good luck to you, Kaylie. It is HARD. But there are days when it's exciting, too, and those make up for the rest.
I think.
Hee, hee.
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