Monday, August 05, 2013

"A Day in the Life of a Menopausal Writer" + Very Funny Hubby comments! And 3-book Giveaway!

A Day in the Life of a Menopausal Writer (and Three Book Giveaways!)

The Healing Spell paperback cover

A post by writer Kimberley Griffiths Little:

A Sample Daily Schedule in a household with several adults in college, an Asperger son, three toddlers, and a Menopausal Writer

6:00 am – Wake up freezing—if I’ve even slept in the last 3 hours or one of the kiddos hasn’t come in at 3:30 a.m. – or 1:00 a.m. Pull on warm blanket. Put in ear plugs and fit eye mask over face. Go back to sleep while hubby takes shower and heads out to work.
6:15 am – Roll over sweating. Take off blanket. Try to go back to sleep.
7:00 am – Toss and Turn and finally get up to start working on having a Productive Day.
7:05 am – Decide to check Emails, Facebook, Twitter and the daily blog roll while eating yogurt and prunes – with 1-2 toddlers in lap or wanting breakfast, etc.
9:15 am – Realize what time it is but decide to send just one more email.
9:45 am – Finish Email and rush in to start the shower. Realize I forgot to exercise so quickly lift a few weights or run through an abdominal DVD. Promise myself I will do aerobics or take a 2-mile walk tomorrow. I will lose this ten pounds. I mean twenty. Well, maybe thirty if I’m completely honest.
10:45 am – Finish getting dressed and have a rather large depressive episode that the day is already half over and “Nothing has been accomplished!!”
11:00 – Pick Self up from sobbing Hysterics on the floor and lock self into “Creative Room” to begin writing.
11:20 – Exit “creative room” to get cold drink to deal with hot flash.
11:25 – Return to “Creative room” and start working on Manuscript.
1:00 pm – Realize that it’s lunch time and go prepare food, usually leftover pizza and a Dr. Pepper. There is a reason I need to lose that annoying 30! But I’m into fast meals. More time to write, right?
2:30 pm – After nearly dying from another heat flash, drowning myself from drinking cold water and running to the bathroom every hour, I chase it down with chocolate chip cookies, and finally return to writing.
4:30 pm – Feel nearly frozen and wrap self up in my purple blanket.
Proceed to have a panic attack about the looming deadline as I worry about the 5 guest blog posts I need to write, the editorial letter I don’t understand, the late advance check, the new workshop I’m presenting in two weeks out of state that still needs tweaking, handouts, and a Power Point, that new story idea I keep twiddling with in my Shiny New Idea File, my mother’s birthday gift, the package of giveaway books sitting on my desk waiting for autographs, bookmarks, and addressing, the bills that need writing, the phone call to my sister as well as my son who is out of state at college and needs to talk since his girlfriend just broke up with him.
Tuck chin down and Keep Writing Anyway (and needless to say the heroine of the story is now in mortal peril because of the mood)! Peek at I-Pad just one more time to see if agent or editor is offering me a six figure deal or Oprah is dying to have me on her show.


And you can enter to win all three books by just leaving a comment on the post!




S.P. Bowers said...

Too funny, I hate those hot flashes! Though anyone who gets to sleep in until seven has no sympathy. :)

Lynette said...

I love someone that tells it like it is! I think menopause is what makes us carry around those annoying extra lbs.!

Unknown said...

So now I feel totally guilty for giving you another deadline. Please put my interview questions dead last, dear. I can't handle the guilt!! Besides, I am dealing with my mid-life crisis puppy who I should consider naming Hot-flash.
(And I thought it was just from coffee...)
We need to form a club. There must be one already, right? Like IWSG only for menopausers. (I need a cooler name. "Menopause" sounds like something you would hear on an infomercial.
"...and if you buy one Menopause, we'll send you the second one absolutely FREE!"

Unknown said...

How about "Woman-applause"?

Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

Sleeping in is an oxymoron when you're awake half the night . . . ha, ha!

Extra weight - yeah, in spades. Although it might be my sweet tooth, too. :-)

I like Woman-applause, Jill! Brilliant!



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