Thursday, May 31, 2012

**COVER REVEAL** TIME!!! And a TON of Easy Giveaways!

My hands are actually shaking a little as I begin this blog post and my heart is fluttering like a swarm of butterflies . . . I've got the go ahead from my wonderful publisher, Scholastic, to do a cover reveal today for my Spring, 2013 book, WHEN THE BUTTERFLIES CAME. (Hence, the very bad metaphor in the previous sentence.)
So what DO you call a group of butterflies? 
*raises hand*
Answer: A Flutter. Or a Rabble. Or a Kaleidoscope. 
Neat, huh?
Now Imagine a Dramatic Hollywood Drum Roll right about now . . .  TA DA!!! 
Isn't it simply STUNNING?!? I love the bright pastel colors! 
I love the Flutter/Rabble/Swarm/Kaleidoscope of all those butterflies just as they're described in my story. I'm so thrilled with this cover!  
Erin Maguire, artist extraordinaire has done it again! She is da bomb! 

                                            The first butterfly comes the day after the funeral. . . .
Praise for Circle of Secrets:
*** “Little’s rich, vivid prose and characterization create an intriguing universe in which realism and mysticism intertwine as the story’s secrets unravel.” — School Library Journal, starred review

“Readers will revel in the literary journey through a rare and unusual way of life.”
Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books

Praise for The Healing Spell:
“An incantational tale of Cajun magic and gators in the bayou and of the love and silence between mother and daughter.” Richard Peck, Newbery Award–winning author of A Year Down Yonder

( ISBN 978-0-545-42513-1) $17.99 US / $19.99 CAN

Synopsis Cover Copy:
Everybody thinks Tara Doucet has the perfect life. But in reality, Tara’s life is anything but perfect: Her dear Grammy Claire has just passed away, her mother is depressed and distant, and she and her sister Riley can’t seem to agree on anything. But when mysterious and dazzling butterflies begin to follow her around after Grammy Claire’s funeral, Tara just knows in her heart that her grandmother has left her one final mystery to solve.
A strange butler shows up to take Tara and Riley to Grammy Claire’s house, where Tara finds a stack of keys and detailed letters from Grammy Claire herself. Note by note, Tara learns unexpected truths about her grandmother’s life. As the letters grow more ominous and the keys more difficult to decipher, Tara realizes that the secrets she must uncover could lead to mortal danger. And when Tara and Riley are swept away to the beautiful island of Chuuk to hear their grandmother’s will, Tara discovers the most shocking truth of all — one that will change her life forever.
From Kimberley Griffiths Little comes a magical, breathtaking mystery full of loss and love, family and faith.
Now comes the fun part!!! 





And if you are a blogger yourself with a following, I will be drawing names to give away THREE ARCS of WHEN THE BUTTERFLIES CAME when I get ARC's later this summer. 


Enter below in this very nifty Rafflecopter Form 
(courtesy of the lovely Sheila Staley)  


Jennifer89 said...

Excited to win!!!

Barbara Watson said...

The cover is stunning. And the story sounds so, so good.

RaShelle Workman said...

What a pretty cover, Kimberley. Congrats on all your success.

Beth Stilborn said...

I love the cover art, Kimberley -- it makes me want to read the book immediately! The teaser you posted cements that wish.

All the best to you!

Julie Rowan-Zoch said...

My friend 'came' to me with bees. Can't wait to read about the butterflies. Enticing cover art!

RiveraMom5 said...

Love the cover with the butterflies everywhere. I'm looking forward to my girls reading your new book. Can't wait 'til it is released. Congratulations on your new cover!

Jess Keating said...

What a beautiful cover, I LOVE the gorgeous colors! Can't wait to read this one! :D

rhonda1111 said...

I like it. How much fun it would be to see a flutter of butterflys.
rlrlaney at yahoo dot com

justJoan said...

It's beautiful no matter how many times I look at it. I'm so happy for you!!! Will be sharing this. =)

Kristina said...

It is beautiful! I'm so excited for you!

Shari Green said...

Ohmygosh, it's GORGEOUS! I love it!

Portia Pennington said...

Congrats on a great accomplishment and a great cover!

Portia Pennington

Susan Taylor Brown said...

Lovely cover! I am so happy for you. And what a generous giveaway.

jpetroroy said...

Stunning--I love the colors!

Kathy Habel said...

Great cover. I just did a post about it.

Diana said...

I really like illustrated covers and your cover is so creamy and pretty!

Hardygirl said...

Yikes! I hope I'm not repeating myself. I'm not sure my first comment went through.

Absolutely STUNNING cover, and the book sounds so, so good. I love a good mystery with a little magic thrown in!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful cover! Butterflies are so pretty. What an intriguing book!

Janette Rallison said...

Awesome cover!

Karen said...

I love the cover! I am a big fan of illustrated covers!

Annabelle Marie Veronica said...

The cover is so pretty, and I love the soft boldness of all the colors! It's beyond beautiful :)

Why Not? Because I Said So! said...

I love this cover so much! I think it is now my favorite out of all of your books.

starryabigail said...

Such a beautiful cover!
I heart the lovely butterflies and the girl dancing is nice!
I really want to win this giveaway!

Rebecca Hansen Merrill said...

I love the cover! Very beautiful! I cannot wait to read the book. .

lucie1067 said...

Love the title. Love the cover.

Dana said...

I think the cover is so pretty and colorful I love it!

Geo Librarian said...

Wow! That cover is gorgeous. The blurb is definitely intriguing as well. I love books like this. I look forward to reading it.


Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful cover.

Stephanie said...

The cover is GORGEOUS! Makes me want to read the book outside on a sunny day with a breeze...

Unknown said...

The cover is really sweet and lovely.

Donna K. Weaver said...

I love the cover and can't wait for the book to come out.

cmjeppsen said...

The cover is beautiful!

Elana Johnson said...

Ahhhh! This cover is so so gorgeous!! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! When The Butterflies Came is a beautiful cover! I've added all three of your books to my TBR book list.

I'm also a new follower of your blog.

Theresa Milstein said...

This cover makes me want to read the book more than I did before. So lovely!

And what a wonderful giveaway.

Unknown said...

Such cute butterflies! Love it!

Jilleen said...

I like it - I looked at all your covers - they are all wonderful.

Goose and Bug said...

This is so nice of you to do a giveaway! And btw, your books have some of the prettiest colors I've ever seen. I just love all the bright YA books coming out lately.

Lynnette said...

The cover is lovely - it will fly of the shelves of my library!

Karlene said...

Your covers are very nice, but what's inside them is incredible!!! I have loved your books and look forward to reading this new one too. :)

Stina said...

Love the cover!!! :D

Carl Scott said...

It's really nice, isn't it? The artist did a good job of making the whole thing feel light and airy. I think it would make a very striking poster as well.

Taffy said...

I think the cover is beautiful!

PS I'd love to read and review BUTTERFLIES for you :)

Jolene Perry said...

SO pretty and fun!!

shelly said...

I love the cover. So carefree and light :)

Christy said...

The cover is beautiful! Congratulations.

Holly Bryan said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win a copy of one of your books for my 10-year-old neice. She has lost both of her parents (my sister and brother-in-law) in a tragedy four years ago and now lives with my parents, and one of her most favorite things to do is lose herself in books! Somehow she takes after her bookaholic Aunty :).

As for your new book's cover, I agree with what Shelly said in her post a few above me - she nailed it with the word "carefree." What with the sand and sea, the butterflies in flight, her bare feet, and her hair and dress blowing in the breeze, I definitely get a sense of lightness and that the young girl is hopefully free of worry. It sounds like a heavy topic but with an uplifting message, and I think that is what the gorgeous cover conveys. Congratulations to you!!

Julie said...

it is a very pretty cover and it would definitely catch my attention. I read The Healing Spell and loved it! I hope to win one of your other books because I was already thinking of buying them! Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I love your covers. Added them to my TBR list. :-)

Andrea Mack said...

The cover is lovely! Can't wait to read this book.

PragmaticMom said...

Gorgeous cover. I'd love to win!

Dori said...

Gorgeous cover! So colourful and relaxing.

bn100 said...

That's a great looking cover.

Morgan said...

I love the color! It really makes me want to read the book.

Joanna said...

LOVE this cover and so want to win an ARC to review the book!

Claire Caterer said...

This is a beautiful cover--it's so evocative. I especially love the colors and the whisp of a breeze depicted. Lovely!

Kristin Lenz said...

I just learned about your books on Elana Johnson's blog. They sound perfect for my daughter!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Like Kristin, I just learned about your latest book on Elana's blog. The cover is lovely. The story enticingly mysterious. I wish you the greatest of luck, Roland

Vivien said...

I love the cover!!!! It's just really whimsical :)

S.P. Bowers said...

Lovely cover. I'm new to your work but can't wait to explore it.

Anonymous said...

I love the cover. It is beautiful. I would love to read the book.

Valerie Ipson said...

Love the cover! Exactly the kind of cover that would make me pick it up for my middle grade reader!

Jennifer R said...

I love the cover and the book sounds very cool! I'm so glad I found you today, can't wait to start in on your books!

Sophie said...

I just want to BE in this cover world!

Sophie said...

I just want to BE in this cover world!

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'd love to win an ARC of your new book and do an interview with an ARC giveaway at Literary Rambles near your release date. I entered the contest. I have a good following and we could link up to the Marvelous Middle Grade Monday posts.

Robin said...

Saw your giveaway on Elana Johnson's blog and so glad I did. I'm always looking for more MG!

Len Lambert said...

I love the cover! It looks so colourful and magical with all the butterflies. I'm so excited to get a copy of your new book. It's so generous and kind of you to give away ARCs. Congratulations, Kimberley!

~T~ said...

Lovely cover! And the story sounds intriguing, too.

Pam said...

I was sent here by Bloggin' Bout Books and I must admit, the premise of your book is extremely intriguing. I look forward to its release and the chance to read it.

Teddie said...

Beautiful cover and I'm looking forward to reading all your books. Thanks to Augusta for sending me to your blog.

Mirka Breen said...

Not much hope of winning, but I did want to chime in and say the cover is LOVELY.

Rose Green said...

So pretty! I know my girls would totally pick this up.

Leslie said...

Such a gorgeous cover! This one would sell the book because it's just so pretty!

Julie DeGuia said...

The cover is beautiful... I love the way she is posed with the butterflies around her!

Thanks for the giveaways!

Heather Temske said...

The cover is fabulous! Thanks for sharing your excitement with us and putting together the fun drawing.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Love, love, love this cover!! Just hopped over from Carolina's blog. Many congrats!

Sarah Nicolas said...

it's just so very pretty! like a disney movie poster!

Reading Mind / The Loyal Book said...

Gorgeous and lovely cover! Hope to win, if it's international!

Anonymous said...

The cover is pretty, but the synopsis is what really draws me in.

jc said...

I love the kaleidoscope of colors on the cover, butterflies are such dreamy and mystical creatures.

Congratulations and thanks for the giveaway.



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