Okay, some shameless self-promotion again, but I HAVE TO TELL YOU THIS!!!
So I did the daily neurotic thing authors do and did my regular Amazon Click-through this morning to see how The Healing Spell is faring and I was SHOCKED to see that Amazon has cut the price nearly in HALF. The $17.99 price is now $9.32!!! Maybe it's an after Christmas sale or something . . . but a hardcover book for less than a Kindle and nearly less than a paperback is practically unheard of!
The hardcover copy of this book is one of the most gorgeous I've ever personally seen - and that's not because it's my baby. So many people tell me it jumps out at them at Barnes & Noble or Borders or the Indie bookstores. It's got embossed and raised lettering with purple interior and baby alligators decorating the pages and stunning fonts.
So if you need a birthday gift or an anniversary gift or a just-because-I-love-you gift for a special someone or a child in your life, now is the time to get your hands on this book!

And then what else do I find this morning??? THIS utterly amazing, breath-taking review by Caroline Valdez Miller.
It's a good day when you laugh and weep all in the same hour.
I read Caroline's review as well and thought it was great! Amazon cut a lot of hardcover book prices in half--you are most definitely not alone. Some of the NYT best sellers within this last month dropped by $10-$15!! So no worries, girl. Their stocks drooped a little this morning and that may have prompted the cut to get hardcovers moving off the shelves. We have stock in Amazon, so if ever you have a question about stocks and how they affect sales shoot it on over to me by email. :)
Many congratulations on your 300th post!!!
I really love the cover for your book. Its on my list and I'm glad I saw your post here. I shall tiptoe over and order a copy. Congrats on your 300th post too!
It really is a lovely cover. Can't wait to read it!!
Congrats on your 300! That's huge!!
Congrats on your 300th post!! That's fantastic! I blog so irregularly, I think it will take me forever to get to that. Truly an accomplishment!
And what a beautiful book. And what a deal!!!! Holy cow that's awesome. And perfect too because the book I read was the ARC I have to return to the person that sent it to me, and I'd like to have my own hard copy.
Also, thank you for the mention! But my dear, it was all YOU! Your gorgeous book made it so easy to review. You've got a gift. I can't wait to read the next one you've written.
I had to laugh at your comment, Alleged Author! Too funny about the stock in Amazon. I will certainly direct future questions YOUR way!
Talei: Thank you times a million! And today the book dropped AGAIN to only $8 bucks! Wow. Amazon must be desperate or something . . .
Thank you so much, Colene! Did you know that there is an Aunt Colleen in my book??? I like how you spell your name.
Carolina: Gawsh, thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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