Friday, August 22, 2008

I can't keep a secret

I was going to wait until things were more official, but . . . I got an offer of representation from an agent last week and we're having a phone interview next week!!!!!!!!!

After 18 months of querying, stopping to revise, querying, revising (on my own that is) it's finally happened!

So I contacted all the other agents who had fulls and partials and they are all madly reading (and some asked for more - since I just finished my In a Paris Minute novel two weeks ago!) . . . I'm excited and nervous and sort of dazed.

Please pray for me that I won't sound like an idiot on the telephone. ;-D


breckster said...


Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

Thanks, Brecken! Fingers crossed that I have good news in a week or so!

Barbara O'Connor said...

Kimberley!!! That is wonderful news. NOBODY deserves this more than you. Honestly, it is high time your work got recognized and appreciated. You are the quintessential professional and I know any agent on the planet will thank their lucky stars to have you for a client.

You will definitely not sound like an idiot - you will sound like the pro that you are.

High five - and keep me posted!

Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

You are such a great friend, Barbara! Always rooting for me, always giving me the *chin-up* that I need so I won't lose faith in my work. And you always manage to say just the right thing that makes me feel good.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Have a great weekend,

Unknown said...

Good luck, Kimberley.

Also, I just have to let you know about a GREAT new and safe LDS website for sisters only, called "Our Ladies Room" at

Lots of super ladies on there already, and plenty of groups and forums to join and discuss a ton of issues.

Hope to see you there!

Oh, and I have a book contest running on my blog again, in case you want to check it out :-)

Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

Super, Anne! Thanks for the good wishes and I will head over to Sounds like fun!

Cynthia Leitich Smith said...

What a very smart agent! Eager for details whenever they're available...



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