This month's prize pack includes a signed finished copy of Forbidden, Middle Eastern earrings and veil, Forbidden buttons, a belly dancing DVD, Middle Eastern Jamberry Design Nail Set, and a set of Book Club Cards. Use the Rafflecopter form at the bottom of this post for your chance to win!
I'm home from the Compelling Reads Tour. It was an absolute blast! We wrote collaborative stories, I taught people how to belly-dance, played the book dating game, spent time with some of my YA Series Insiders sisters, and met some fabulous readers, booksellers, librarians, and authors!
After the first tour stop in Arlington VA, I had tapas with Wendy Higgins, Jessica Spotswood, and Martina Boone.
The next day, Melissa Marr and Leah Cypess joined me, Martina, and Wendy at One More Page Books for the Compulsion launch party.
A few days later, Martina and I were joined in Charlottesville VA by Kristen-Paige Madonia, Joy N. Hensley, Diana Peterfreund, and Jodi Meadows.
In Raleigh and Chapel Hill, we were joined by two of our YA Series Insiders sisters, Claudia Gray and Shannon Greenland (S.E. Green), plus Megan Shepherd, Beth Revis, and Meagan Spooner.
Then we headed over to the adorable bookstore in Tryon NC.
We had lunch at the Lavender Bistro in Tryon, NC (love that little town to pieces!), and you know I loved their purple doors!
And the Tryon Horse - which made Publisher's Weekly!
And I hired a tribal belly dancer to perform and teach us some shimmy moves - so much fun! She was gorgeous and very sweet!
And I was finally able to meet my good friend Holly Hughes, after years of being online pen pals.
Here's a picture of me and Martina in front of the gorgeous Books-a-Million store in Columbia SC.
I was able to attend the Red Carpet Preview Event, which featured David Levithan, Ellen Hopkins, Laini Taylor, fellow YA Series Insider Jennifer L. Armentrout, Danielle M. Paige, and Susan Ee.
Here I am at the Charleston Public Library for the last stop of the Compelling Reads Tour with my YA Series Insiders sisters Shannon Greenland (S.E. Green), Martina Boone, and Tracy Clark.
Another great thing about the Compelling Reads Tour was all of the signed books I brought home with me. I can't wait to dive into these beauties!
A thousand thank you's to everyone who has made the launch of FORBIDDEN possible! My agent and editor (who are huge blessings in my life!), Harpercollins, my publicists, the fantastic Art Dept team, the gorgeous model on the cover, my friends and family - and you, dear reader! Thank you for all the love and support over the years of this very long and crazy journey . . . !! I'm a little bit in shock at the surreal-ness of FORBIDDEN actually out in the world and on bookstore shelves - and a whole lot of thrilled.