Tuesday, September 23, 2014

10-copy Goodreads Giveaway for FORBIDDEN!

HARPERCOLLINS is giving away TEN ARCs of FORBIDDEN on Goodreads! 

Enter now - only a week left! 

Whoohoo!! :-)


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Announcing the COMPELLING READS TOUR!! 12 Events, 17 Authors!

I'm thrilled to Announce the 


Embrace Your Book Addiction!

Twelve Events . . . Seventeen YA Authors . . .

Come talk about the books that made you love to read and find compelling new reads to love!

Q&As, Signings, and Door Prizes at Every Stop!

10/26/14: Arlington, VA — WRITE WITH US! LIVE FANFIC AND BLOCKBUSTER FICTION 4:00 PM, Arlington Public Library Central w/ One More Page Books, 1015 N Quincy St, Arlington VA 22201
Love reading? Ever wonder, “How did the author come up with THAT!?”
Come talk about your favorite best-selling YA novels and build a story with the authors of four hot young adult trilogies in an interactive audience-participation event. Work as a group to create a story in the same way that the authors of blockbuster novels create theirs. Using examples from familiar audience favorites like DivergentThe Hunger Games, and Harry Potter, the authors will guide readers and aspiring writers through a fun, often hilarious, and educational event.

Martina Boone (Compulsion – Simon Pulse) 
Kimberley Griffiths Little (Forbidden – Harpercollins)
Wendy Higgins (USA & New York Times bestselling Sweet Evil series — Harper Teen)
Jessica Spotswood (The Cahill Witch Chronicles series — Putnam)

10/27/14: Arlington, VA — BOOK DATING GAME SHOW & COMPULSION LAUNCH 7:00 PM One More Page Books
2200 N. Westmoreland St., Arlington, VA 22213

Join us for a quirky, entertaining, and unexpected introduction to the authors and the books — dating style! Our intrepid booklorette will try to find her perfect bookmatch as she puts the authors through their paces with questions patterned after the popular and campy 1960′s Dating Game. Throw in a wine tasting, southern sweet tea, and southern-style cupcakes in honor of the Compulsion launch, and it’s sure to be a fantastic party!

Martina Boone (Compulsion – Simon Pulse)
Kimberley Griffiths Little (Forbidden – Harpercollins)
Wendy Higgins (USA & New York Times bestselling Sweet Evil series — Harper Teen) 
Leah Cypess (Mistwood, Nightspell & Deathsworn – Greenwillow) 
Melissa Marr (NYT and Internationally bestselling author of Made for You and the Wicked Lovely series — Harpercollins)

10/28: Bethesda, MD — ASK THE AUTHORS ANYTHING! 7:00 PM, Bethesda Library w/ Politics & Prose
7400 Arlington Rd, Bethesda, MD 20814

Here’s your chance! Want to talk about the books? About what’s next for your favorite characters? About writing? About breaking into publishing? Well, come on down! The four authors on this panel have a wide spectrum of different writing experiences and paths that have all led to big buzz books. We’ll dish, have some fun, and definitely spill some secrets!

Martina Boone (Compulsion – Simon Pulse)
Kimberley Griffiths Little (Forbidden – Harpercollins) 
Wendy Higgins (USA & New York Times bestselling Sweet Evil series — Harper Teen)
Jessica Spotswood (The Cahill Witch Chronicles series — Putnam)

10/29: Charlottesville, VA — BOOK DATING GAME: A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE 6:00 PM, Barnes & Noble
1035 Emmet St N, Charlottesville, VA 22903

Join us for a dating-style quirky, entertaining, and unexpected introduction to the authors and the books! Our intrepid booklorette will try to find her perfect bookmatch as she puts the authors through their paces with questions patterned after the popular and campy 1960′s Dating Game.

Martina Boone (Compulsion – Simon Pulse)
Kimberley Griffiths Little (Forbidden – Harpercollins) 
Kristen-Paige Madonia (Fingerprints of You – Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)  
Joy N. Hensley (Rites of Passage – Harper Teen)
Jodi Meadows (The Incarnate trilogy & The Orphan Queen – Katharine Tegan Books)  
Diana Peterfreund (Nine novels for adults and teens, including For Darkness Shows the Stars and Across a Star Swept Sea – Balzer & Bray)

10/30, Richmond, VA — WRITE WITH US! LIVE FANFIC AND BLOCKBUSTER FICTION 6:30 PM, Fountain Bookstore
1312 E. Cary St., Richmond, VA 23219

Love reading? Considered becoming a writer?
Come talk about your favorite best-selling YA novels and build a story with the authors of five hot young adult novels in an interactive audience-participation event. Work as a group to create a story in the same way that the authors of blockbuster novels create theirs. Using examples from familiar audience favorites like DivergentThe Hunger Games, and Harry Potter, the authors will guide readers and aspiring writers through a fun, often hilarious, and educational event.

Martina Boone (Compulsion – Simon Pulse)
Kimberley Griffiths Little (Forbidden – Harpercollins)
Kristen-Paige Madonia (Fingerprints of You – Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers) 
Gigi Amateau (Seven books for MG & YA, including Come August, Come Freedom – Candlewick Press)
Diana Peterfreund (Nine novels for adults and teens, including For Darkness Shows the Stars and Across a Star Swept Sea – Balzer & Bray)

11/1/14: Raleigh, NC – ADD A SENTENCE GAME AND LIVING FICTION 3:00 PM, Quail Ridge Books
3522 Wade Ave., Raleigh, NC 27607

Have you closed the pages on a favorite novel or watched a blockbuster movie like ‘Divergent’ or ‘The Hunger Games’ and wondered, “How did the author come up with THAT!?” Well, we’ve got the secrets, and we’ll offer up a show and tell as we help guide the audience through an interactive session that builds a story a sentence at a time to develop character, setting, mood, theme, and a plot with unexpected — and often shocking or hysterical — twists.

Martina Boone (Compulsion – Simon Pulse)
Kimberley Griffiths Little (Forbidden – Harpercollins)
S.E. Greene (Killer Instinct – Simon Pulse)  
Claudia Gray (New York Times bestselling author of the EvernightSteadfast and Firebird series)  
Meagan Spooner (The Skylark Trilogy, Carolrhoda, and the Starbound trilogy — Disney/Hyperion)
Beth Revis (New York Times bestselling Across the Universe trilogy — Razorbill)  
Megan Shepherd (The Madman’s Daughter series — Balzer & Bray)

11/2/14: Chapel Hill, NC – WRITE WITH US! 2:00 PM, Flyleaf Books
752 MLK Jr Blvd,  Chapel Hill, NC 27514
(919) 942.7936

Love reading? Considered becoming a writer?
Come talk about your favorite best-selling YA novels and build a story with seven authors of  big buzz young adult trilogies in an interactive audience-participation event.  Work as a group to create a story in the same way that the authors of blockbuster novels create theirs. Using examples from familiar audience favorites like DivergentThe Hunger Games, and Harry Potter, the authors will guide readers and aspiring writers through a fun, often hilarious, and educational event.

Martina Boone (Compulsion – Simon Pulse)
Kimberley Griffiths Little (Forbidden – Harpercollins)
S.E. Greene (Killer Instinct – Simon Pulse)
Claudia Gray (New York Times bestselling author of the EvernightSteadfast and Firebird series — HarperTeen)
Meagan Spooner (The Skylark trilogy — Carolrhoda; and the Starbound trilogy — Disney/Hyperion)
Beth Revis (New York Times bestselling Across the Universe trilogy — Razorbill)
Megan Shepherd (The Madman’s Daughter series — Balzer & Bray)

11/3/14: Asheville, NC 7:00 PM, Malaprops Bookstore
55 Haywood Street, Asheville, NC 28801
Martina Boone (Compulsion – Simon Pulse)  
Kimberley Griffiths Little (Forbidden – Harpercollins)
S.E. Greene (Killer Instinct – Simon Pulse)
Claudia Gray (New York Times bestselling author of the EvernightSteadfast and Firebird series — HarperTeen)
Beth Revis (New York Times bestselling Across the Universe trilogy — Razorbill)  
Meagan Spooner (The Skylark trilogy — Carolrhoda; and the Starbound trilogy — Disney/Hyperion)

11/4/14: Charlotte, NC — FLASH FICTION EVENT 4:00 PM, Park Road Books
4139 Park Road, 
Charlotte, NC 28209

Have you closed the pages on a favorite novel or watched a blockbuster movie like ‘Divergent’ or ‘The Hunger Games’ and wondered, “How did the author come up with THAT!?” Well, these seven authors of hot young adult trilogies have the secrets, and they’ll offer up a show and tell as they help guide the audience through an interactive session that builds a story a sentence at a time to develop character, setting, mood, theme, and a plot with unexpected — and often shocking or hysterical — twists.

Martina Boone (Compulsion – Simon Pulse)
Kimberley Griffiths Little (Forbidden – Harpercollins)
S.E. Greene (Killer Instinct – Simon Pulse)  
Claudia Gray (New York Times bestselling author of the EvernightSteadfast and Firebird series — HarperTeen)
Beth Revis (New York Times bestselling Across the Universe trilogy — Razorbill) 
Meagan Spooner (The Skylark trilogy — Carolrhoda; and the Starbound trilogy — Disney/Hyperion)
Megan Shepherd (The Madman’s Daughter Series — Balzer & Bray)

11/5/14: Greenville, SC — WRITE WITH US! LIVE FANFIC AND BLOCKBUSTER FICTION 5:00 PM, Fiction Addiction
1175 Woods Crossing Rd #5
Greenville, SC 29607

Love reading? Considered becoming a writer?
Ever wonder, “How did the author come up with THAT!?” Come talk about your favorite best-selling YA novels and build a story with the authors of four hot young adult trilogies in an interactive audience-participation event. Work as a group to create a story in the same way that the authors of blockbuster novels create theirs. Using examples from familiar audience favorites like DivergentThe Hunger Games, and Harry Potter, the authors will guide readers and aspiring writers through a fun, often hilarious, and educational event.

Martina Boone (Compulsion – Simon Pulse)
Kimberley Griffiths Little (Forbidden – Harpercollins)
S.E. Greene (Killer Instinct – Simon Pulse)
Claudia Gray (New York Times bestselling author of the EvernightSteadfast and Firebird series — HarperTeen)
Beth Revis (New York Times bestselling Across the Universe trilogy — Razorbill)
Meagan Spooner (The Skylark trilogy — Carolrhoda; and the Starbound trilogy — Disney/Hyperion)

11/6/14: Columbia, SC — BOOK DATING GAME: A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE 5:00 PM, Books-a-million, Village-at-Sandhill
164 Forum Drive, Columbia, SC 29229

Join us for a quirky, entertaining, and unexpected introduction to seven authors and their big buzz books — dating style! Our intrepid booklorette will try to find her perfect book-match as she puts the authors through their paces with questions patterned after the popular and campy 1960′s Dating Game.

Martina Boone (Compulsion – Simon Pulse)
Kimberley Griffiths Little (Forbidden – Harpercollins)  
S.E. Greene (Killer Instinct – Simon Pulse)
  Claudia Gray (New York Times bestselling author of the EvernightSteadfast and Firebird series)
Tracy Clark (Scintillate – Entangled Teen)
Delilah S. Dawson (Servants of the Storm – Simon Pulse)
Nina Berry (The Otherkin series — Kensington)

We're ending our Tour at YALLFest in Charleston, South Carolina! 
November 7-9 in downtown Charleston, sponsored by Blue Bicycle Books.
11/9/14: Charleston, SC
2:30 PM, Charleston Public Library
68 Calhoun Street
Charleston, SC 29401
Got your YALLFEST on? Want even MORE fun and games? Join us for an exciting and unexpected wrap-up with some of the “insiders” behind YASeriesInsiders.com and celebrate the launch of Compulsion — which is about the Charleston area — with whoopie pies, sweet tea, door prizes, and a drawing for a $100 gift card to feed your book addiction..
Martina Boone (Compulsion – Simon Pulse)
Kimberley Griffiths Little (Forbidden – Harpercollins)
S.E. Green (Killer Instinct – Simon Pulse)
Tracy Clark (Scintillate – Entangled Teen)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Launching a Gorgeous New Website!

I'm very excited to announce and show off my new website. Well, it's the same URL, but a whole new design! And it's really beautiful. I'm so very pleased. Lois Bradley, a New Mexico friend, graphic artist, and writer designed all the new banners for me. Swank Web Design did all the dirty behind-the-scenes work of incorporating the content and made it all look pretty. Many, many thank you's!!

Here is Home - or the Landing Page: 


Since I'm writing Middle-Grade with Scholastic and a Young Adult trilogy with Harpercollins I created two *sides* to my site. One easy click will take you from one to the other.

Middle-Grade Home Page Banner: 

Young Adult Home Page Banner:


Hopefully the new site will be easy to navigate and find things like Teacher's Guides, book trailers, and reviews, etc. 

Thanks for checking it out! Enjoy!


Monday, September 08, 2014

August Winner and September YA Celebration Giveaway Announced!

The August winner of My YA Debut Year Celebration Giveaway is . . . 

Kelly Lau!!!

I'll be emailing you, Kelly, to find out which Young Adult Novel you'd like me to send to you. AND you'll get a signed ARC of FORBIDDEN and Middle Eastern earrings and Book Club Cards. Yay! Congratulations!!!


Winner of September's Giveaway will receive a signed ARC of FORBIDDEN, *any* YA book of your choice, Middle Eastern earrings, and 10 Book Club Cards. Pretty delicious, eh?

Enter the Rafflecopter and get extra points for spreading the word! 

Fingers crossed you win! 


Sunday, September 07, 2014

Personal Post

Hello, dear friends, 

The last few months have been a whirlwind of finalizing various sundry items for the finished book, FORBIDDEN (Harpercollins, November 4, 2014), including an Author's Note about the history and research of the novel, drafting Book 2, launching my new Scholastic middle-grade, THE TIME OF THE FIREFLIES with two bookstore launch parties, Teacher's Guides, Book Trailers, Book Club Cards, BEA, ALA, a writing retreat in Taos New Mexico with my local writing buddies, Carolee DeanLauren Bjorkman, and Kersten Hamilton,      who is the brains behind our retreat. (And I apologize because I'm horrible at posting pictures of these events here on my blog. Go to my Facebook albums to see if you're curious or interested: https://www.facebook.com/kimberleygriffithslittle).

--AND trying to keep up with Twitter, Facebook, blog reading, giveaways, putting together an East Coast book tour for FORBIDDEN, my YASI group, Author School Visits, writing presentations, Power Points, guest posts, interviews - and family stuff including health issues for my son and husband. Whew. 

And then in mid-August during a dozen deadlines, we were suddenly called to Arizona to visit my husband's mother who was getting quite elderly and frail. On the third day after our arrival, she passed away, her hands in ours. We stayed on for another week to arrange the funeral and await an onslaught of family. Which was great. We love seeing everyone, all the aunts and uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, etc.

The funeral was lovely and heartfelt with so many great stories of an amazing woman who was widowed at that age of 40 with 5 sons, taught school, built her own house in the mountains after she retired, and quilted, sewed, knitted, crocheted, an avalanche of pieces - in the hundreds, while gardening and growing an orchard of trees, and maintaining an active life in her church.

I love this picture of her when she as 17 years old before WWII broke out. 

This is what I wrote on Facebook: 

"Carmel Frost Little, March 29, 1919 - August 17, 2014. Mom slipped away from us about 4:45 pm on Sunday afternoon. Rusty was holding her hand and her granddaughter Pauline on her other side. I was at the foot if the bed and we were quietly chatting. All weekend she had been determinedly trying to read my new book, but was too weak to hold it up. We had just moved her from her easy chair in the living room and getting her ready for bed. There are tears and an emptiness in our hearts and in this home. She had been widowed for 55 years and raised 5 boys on a teachers salary. My husband is the youngest and inherited her dry wit. This lovely picture of her was taken in 1936 when she was 17 years old. She has a photo album chock full of pictures of family and friends from the 30s and 40s and 50s. Priceless! God bless you in your joyful reunion with your husband, parents and siblings on the other side, Mom! We love you and already miss you dreadfully."

With my son's open heart surgery last Fall, my youngest brother passing away from brain cancer the previous December, my sister's husband completely debilitated by a major stroke at a young age, and now the passing of my mother-in-law, as well as various other challenges my family has undergone in only the last three years we feel a bit numb. But life and the living marches us on despite grief and weary hearts. There are still babies and toddlers to hug and love and read to, important, fulfilling work to do, friends who cherish us, and a large extended family who helps us heal our hearts. 

Despite hardship, grief, time constraints, craziness, a perpetually messy house with 8 people living here, life is a blessing and I'm grateful to God and my Savior for my family, my health, my home, my friends, books, flowers, birds outside the windows, the beauty of mountains and oceans, a writing cottage! - and freedom in this blessed land of ours. 

August's YA Debut Year Celebration Winner will be announced tomorrow as well as the New September Giveaway - and lots more very exciting news coming this week! Please stay tuned!

And thanks for reading my sporadic blog. I appreciate you all. 


Thursday, September 04, 2014

Something About Love by Elana Johnson, YA Romance in Verse!

I'm so excited about Elana Johnson's brand new Young Adult Novel in verse. I loved ELEVATED and can't wait to read this new one.

About SOMETHING ABOUT LOVE: High school senior Olivia Winging gave up her love of photography when she gave up her boyfriend, Trevor Youngblood, a year and a half ago. She broke things off with Trevor because her mom married his dad, and dating your step-brother? Creepy.

Livvy hasn’t been on good terms with her mother since, and one of her stipulations for staying at the Youngblood’s every other weekend is that Trevor can’t be there. When she gets nominated for the Junior Photography in Excellence award, Trevor insists she enter. She agrees—only if every photo in the portfolio can be of him. Knowing that Livvy can capture a person’s deepest secrets through her lens, Trevor hesitates before accepting the deal.

As Livvy gets behind the lens of her camera again, her love of photography is rekindled. Unfortunately, the time she spends with Trevor also re-ignites the old flame for him she’s kept smothered for so long.

In order for Livvy to finish her portfolio, she’ll have to face her feelings for Trevor as well as deal with the animosity between her and her mother. Livvy’s always been able to capture a person’s soul from behind the camera—but she’s not sure she likes it when the lens is suddenly focused on her. If she can’t find a way to forgive her mother and admit how she feels about Trevor, Livvy may end up losing more than just the photography contest. She could lose her heart. 

Buy Links:

Special Promo!!! Elevated, Elana’s first verse novel, will be FREE for five days in September as SOMETHING ABOUT LOVE releases! So get your copy of Elevated for free from Monday, September, 15 – Friday, September 19. (Elevated buy link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IGINRFI)

Praise for Elana’s first verse novel, Elevated:
“The taut poetry keeps tension high. The plot is deftly paced, as past intrudes on present, like a photograph emerging in developing fluid.” ~San Francisco Book Review

“Every word Johnson writes carries an emotional heft that lifts readers up to the highest happiness and then sends them crashing down to the depths of despair. It is easy to flow from the first word to the last without ever putting down the book. Johnson shows outstanding talent in this form, and her words are beautiful, important and deeply felt.” ~The Deseret News

About Elana Johnson: Elana Johnson’s work, including Possession, Surrender, Abandon, and Regret, published by Simon Pulse (Simon & Schuster), is available now everywhere books are sold. Her popular ebook, From the Query to the Call, is also available for free download, as well as a Possession short story, Resist

Her self-published novels include two YA contemporary novels-in-verse, Elevated and Something About Love, as well as a YA/NA futuristic fantasy series, which includes Elemental Rush, Elemental Hunger, and Elemental Release.

School teacher by day, Query Ninja by night, you can find her online at her personal blog or Twitter. She also co-founded the Query Tracker blog, and contributes to the League of Extraordinary Writers.

Social Media Links:
League of Extraordinary Writers: http://leaguewriters.blogspot.com/



Winner of The Southwest Book Award!

Time travel, war, love, rattlesnakes, magic . . .

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