Saturday, December 13, 2014

Swoony Awards Blitz! Please vote for FORBIDDEN!!

Read all the details below but here's a quick link to vote for FORBIDDEN. I'm honored to be nominated! :-)

What Are the Swoony Awards?

The Swoony Awards were
created to recognize excellence in clean fiction. There are so many
books published every day and it can be hard to find the ones worth
reading. We want to help recognize authors who write entertaining books that are wholesome. It’s our hope that each year we will help provide everyone with a great list of books to read and maybe introduce them to new authors. 

What Are the Eligibility Requirements?

Year: Only books published during the current contest year may be
nominated. To be fair to all books, contest dates will run from December 1, 2013 – November 31, 2014.

-Clean romance: No sex or closed door, low/mild innuendo. Only M/F romances.

-Language: None/mild, anything over a handful of profanity (especially the more offensive words) would not be considered clean.

-Violence: None/mild

-Other: Nothing overly dark, depressing or heavy subject matter

Novels, novellas and short stories are all eligible for nomination, no limits on page number. Any (clean) genre is eligible (i.e. contemporary, fantasy, mystery, historical, etc.).

Each voter is able to choose
up to 100 books to vote on or nominate each contest year. There is no
cap on the overall number of books nominated.

How Are Winners Selected?

We will be accepting entries throughout the year and the winners announced the first week in January. There are fifteen award categories (i.e. Best Novel of the Year, Best Historical, Best Contemporary, etc.)

Winner’s will be announced via our blogs (Bookworm Nation, KJ’s Book Nook and Katie’s Clean Book Reviews) and through Goodreads Swoony Awards Group.

Since this is a reader’s choice award the winners are determined by a combination of the number of votes received and how high the voter rated the book and what rank the voter gave each book they voted for. 

Who Are We?


Kathy (Bookworm Nation)

I've been hosting a book review blog, Bookworm Nation, for over five years. I love to read and review books. And of course, I love to discuss books! A few years ago I started the Goodreads group, Happily Ever
After Book Club. It's through Goodreads that I met Katie, Kathy Jo and Heidi and while discussing our love of books one day we thought it'd be fun to host our own Reader's Choice award. We're excited to introduce the Swoony's this year, it's going really well and we look forward to hosting it for years to come. 
Contact Info for Kathy:
Twitter: @bookwormnation
Kathy Jo 

Kathy Jo (KJ's Book Nook)

This may come as a shocker but I have NOT always been a little bookworm. In fact growing up I was not the kid you saw jumping at the chance to read. I was the one that just did it to make my teachers happy. That
silent reading time during school?! Yeah.. I was the kid napping! ;)
About 12 years ago someone loaned me a book and said I just HAD to read it. I took it just to get them off my back and much to my surprise I could NOT put it down! And from then on I would read... but only that one author. I refused to read anything else! It wasn't until 2009 when 2 of my favorite people introduced me to the  Twilight Series that I actually started branching out. And ever since then I haven't been able to STOP reading! ;) About 5 months ago I decided to start a book blog and I have been loving it! I get to be another voice for all the amazing authors that I love! How cool is that?! And of course through my adventures in reading I have been able to meet some amazing women who love books just as much as, if not more than, me! I love chatting with them about all the books we read! We have become such great friends that at times I forget that I've never really met them in person! Books just have a way of bringing people together! My reading choices vary... I love a lot of different genres.With that said... I am not ashamed to admit that I am a romantic and I love fluff! As long as it's clean and has a HEA, I'll definitely give it a try! Any book that gives me a break from reality and puts a smile on my face is definitely a book for me!Contact Info for Kathy Jo: 
Twitter: @kjincali

Katie Watkins 

Katie (Katie's Clean Book Collection)

I started blogging about a year and a half ago. I've always loved to read and talk about books--it's my obsession. The first book I learned to read on my own was Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham. I love a lot of different genres, but my favorite is clean romance, which is perfect for the Swoony's! I've had a blast meeting new friends who enjoy the same types of books that I do.
Contact Info for Katie: 
Twitter: @lilacqueen75



I'm a mother of four amazing kids and married to my own Prince Charming. I love to read, kiss my handsome Prince, bake, run (because I love to bake), ride horses, play sports, and spend time with my little family. I first fell in love with reading at a very young age because of my sweet grandmother who always took the time to read me my favorite books over and over again. She could never tell me no. My wonderful mother is also entirely addicted to reading and we love to "talk books" late into the night....and plot how we are going to buy more. :) I adore clean, happily ever after books, and I've loved getting to know so many other women who do as well. Who knew books would be the reason I would meet some of the dearest people in the world?! 

Contact Info for Heidi: 

Note to Authors:

If you’ve written a book that matches the above criteria fill free to
nominate it for a Swoony! Don’t be afraid to promote the award or to let your fans know your book is up and that it needs votes. We are doing some promoting, but sometimes a Facebook, Twitter or blog post directly from the author is the best way to let your fan base know your book has been nominated. Only books with a minimum of THREE votes will be added to the official nomination list found on the Goodreads Swoony Awards group page. Winners will be announced January 2015.

To stay up to date on voting and nominations, please join our Goodreads Swoony Awards group page!

Note to Readers:

If you’ve read a book this year that you think is awesome…VOTE! This is a great way to let authors know you appreciate all that hard work. You can vote for up to 100 books on the list. We’ve also learned that the order you rank the books you vote on does affect the overall score of the book. So take a minute and make sure you have your books in the order you want them. Invite your friends to vote! Voting ends December 31, 2014.

The 2014 Swoony Awards is now accepting nominations and votes for your favorite books of the year. Polls will be open until December 31, 2014. 

Join us on Facebook and Twitter.

As a thank you for making the Swoony Awards a success,
we'd like to offer an Amazon gift card! The winner will
have 48 hours to claim the prize. Only valid
where Amazon gift cards may be used. You must
be 13 or older to enter.

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Christmas in Snow Valley is ON SALE and HUGE GIVEAWAY!!!


SIX Fabulous *clean* Romances for only $2.99!!!

(Mine is called, RISING IT ALL FOR LOVE, under my pen name, Kimberley Montpetit)

The Christmas in Snow Valley authors are doing a fun giveaway just in time for Christmas. Seven different winners: $25 gift card or the reader's choice of an ebook internationally or print book in U.S. of one of the authors other books - Cindy Roland Anderson, Jeanette Lewis, Taylor Hart, Kimberley Montpetit, Lucy McConnell, or Cami Checketts. Enter through the Rafflecopter below.

Christmas in Snow Valley

Snow Valley, Montana, is a small community with the tradition of doing Christmas big. Festivities begin with tree lighting in the town square the day after Thanksgiving and continue until the culminating romantic Christmas Ball. From the Polar Express to a Winter Carnival, there’s something for every wonder-filled  child—and every couple who’s in love—or about to be.

An Unexpected Kiss by Cindy Roland Anderson

Lucy Phillips doesn’t want to spend her Christmas vacation dodging her ex-boyfriend, so when he turns up at the airport to give her a ride home, Lucy panics and asks a complete stranger to kiss her. Although the kiss is incredible, Lucy never expects to see the guy again. Is it bad luck or destiny when Lucy comes down with a sore throat and the new doctor in Snow Valley is none other than the guy she kissed at the airport?

Feels Like Love by Jeanette Lewis

Christmas in Snow Valley is the perfect way for April Winston to introduce her city slicker fiancé, Scott Mecham, to life on a farm. If only Wade Hadley, hometown boy and high school sweetheart, will cooperate! But Wade has no intention of letting April go without a fight. This Christmas, Wade is determined to overcome their painful past and show April that she already has what she’s been seeking all along.

Full Court Devotion by Cami Checketts

Kazlyn is too busy with her schooling and future plans to enjoy life, let alone fall in love with a man who has heartbreak written all over him. Tyrese Hamilton, a college basketball star and major heartthrob, is intrigued when Kazlyn doesn't pursue him or even seem interested. Ty's career is in jeopardy, and he needs a miracle and Kazlyn to save him.

The Christmas Eve Kiss by Taylor Hart

When Molly O’Hare gets a prediction that she will kiss her true love on Christmas Eve, she thinks it’s utterly ridiculous. But when she gets teamed up with Kevin Snow, aka her ex-boyfriend, to decorate a Christmas tree, things start to change. Too bad getting over the past is hard and seeing him kiss another girl is even harder. Now Molly is left with a choice—run away from home and heartbreak or let Christmas work out a miracle all of its own.

Risking it all for Love by Award-Winning author, Kimberley Montpetit

Ever since her high school boyfriend's death from a car accident three years earlier, Jessica Mason and her hometown of Snow Valley, Montana with all its awful memories have NOT been compatible. Running away to New Orleans on a ballet scholarship, Jessica cringes when she thinks about confronting Pastor John and the community church--she doesn't want to talk about God, not after He took Michael, the boy she was going to marry ever since third grade.

In the local scene of funky New Orleans, Jessica seeks out Madame LaBlanc, hoping Michael will absolve her of her guilt the night of the car accident in a seance, but the spirit world is silent and she fears the grief will drown her.

Finally succumbing to family pressure, Jessica reluctantly returns for Christmas - and the little town of Snow Valley does Christmas BIG. When she visits Michael’s grave in the church yard, Jessica is shocked to meet handsome James Douglas, Pastor John’s nephew, who’s studying for the ministry. No, she is NOT going to be attracted to someone who wants to be a preacher! Definitely not compatible! But James Douglas is unlike any minister-in-training she's ever met. James can not only dish back Jessica’s finely-tuned sarcasm but understands grief all too well, turning Jessica’s world upside down.

Can Jessica forgive herself for that terrible, fateful night? Can she take another risk on love?

Blue Christmas by Lucy McConnell

As head of Snow Valley hospital's fundraising effort, Paisley Hackett barely has time to organize the craft show, cookie decorating party, and the annual Christmas Ball. What she doesn't have time for is falling in love with Clay Jett, the incredibly handsome bass player who sweeps into town. She's been burned by a tourist romance before and, with everything going on, Paisley will have to work overtime to protect her heart from Clay and his swoon-worthy ballads.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Compelling Reads Tour Recap and November/December Final 2014 FORBIDDEN Giveaway!

I can't believe my Debut Year Celebration is almost at an end. Since this is the last giveaway, I'm making it extra special and chock full of goodies!

This month's prize pack includes a signed finished copy of Forbidden, Middle Eastern earrings and veil, Forbidden buttons, a belly dancing DVD, Middle Eastern Jamberry Design Nail Set, and a set of Book Club Cards. Use the Rafflecopter form at the bottom of this post for your chance to win!

I'm home from the Compelling Reads Tour. It was an absolute blast! We wrote collaborative stories, I taught people how to belly-dance, played the book dating game, spent time with some of my YA Series Insiders sisters, and met some fabulous readers, booksellers, librarians, and authors!

After the first tour stop in Arlington VA, I had tapas with Wendy Higgins, Jessica Spotswood, and Martina Boone.

The next day, Melissa Marr and Leah Cypess joined me, Martina, and Wendy at One More Page Books for the Compulsion launch party.

A few days later, Martina and I were joined in Charlottesville VA by Kristen-Paige Madonia, Joy N. Hensley, Diana Peterfreund, and Jodi Meadows.

In Raleigh and Chapel Hill, we were joined by two of our YA Series Insiders sisters, Claudia Gray and Shannon Greenland (S.E. Green), plus Megan Shepherd, Beth Revis, and Meagan Spooner.

Then we headed over to the adorable bookstore in Tryon NC.

We had lunch at the Lavender Bistro in Tryon, NC (love that little town to pieces!), and you know I loved their purple doors!

And the Tryon Horse - which made Publisher's Weekly!

I had a fabulous Double Launch Party with Claudia Gray in Charlotte!

And I hired a tribal belly dancer to perform and teach us some shimmy moves - so much fun! She was gorgeous and very sweet! 

And I was finally able to meet my good friend Holly Hughes, after years of being online pen pals.

Here's a picture of me and Martina in front of the gorgeous Books-a-Million store in Columbia SC.

I had a blast at YALLFest! Here I am at the YA Series Insiders booth with blogger Fallon Vaughn.

I was able to attend the Red Carpet Preview Event, which featured David Levithan, Ellen Hopkins, Laini Taylor, fellow YA Series Insider Jennifer L. Armentrout, Danielle M. Paige, and Susan Ee.

Here I am at the Charleston Public Library for the last stop of the Compelling Reads Tour with my YA Series Insiders sisters Shannon Greenland (S.E. Green),  Martina Boone, and Tracy Clark.

Another great thing about the Compelling Reads Tour was all of the signed books I brought home with me. I can't wait to dive into these beauties!

A thousand thank you's to everyone who has made the launch of FORBIDDEN possible! My agent and editor (who are huge blessings in my life!), Harpercollins, my publicists, the fantastic Art Dept team, the gorgeous model on the cover, my friends and family - and you, dear reader! Thank you for all the love and support over the years of this very long and crazy journey . . . !! I'm a little bit in shock at the surreal-ness of FORBIDDEN actually out in the world and on bookstore shelves - and a whole lot of thrilled.


Friday, November 07, 2014

Amie & Bethanie Borst - Mom/Teen Daughter Writing Team - Scarily Ever Laughter Series!

Thanks so much for participating in our blog tour, Kimberley! We appreciate your support and are so happy to tell your audience a little about our book, LITTLE DEAD RIDING HOOD!

You know things are going to suck when you’re the new kid. But when you’re the new kid and a vampire… well, it bites!
Unlike most kids, Scarlet Small’s problems go far beyond just trying to fit in. She would settle for a normal life, but being twelve years old for an entire century is a real pain in the neck. Plus, her appetite for security guards, house pets and bloody toms (tomato juice) is out of control. So in order to keep their vampire-secret, her parents, Mort and Drac, resort to moving for the hundredth time, despite Scarlet being dead-set against it. Things couldn’t be worse at her new school, either. Not only does she have a strange skeleton-girl as a classmate, but a smelly werewolf is intent on revealing her secret. When she meets Granny—who fills her with cookies, goodies, and treats, and seems to understand her more than anyone—she’s sure things will be different. But with a fork-stabbing incident, a cherry pie massacre, and a town full of crazy people, Scarlet’s O-positive she’ll never live to see another undead day.
Not even her Vampire Rule Book can save her from the mess she’s in. Why can’t she ever just follow the rules?

Add Little Dead Riding Hood to your Goodreads to-read list here Purchase LDRH at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or your favorite Indie bookstore!

Five facts about Scarlet Small:
  1. She has a sweet fang. Unless you want your goodies to disappear, I highly suggest you hide all sweets from sight.
  2. Scarlet has issues with dogs. You can imagine her trouble when she realizes her new school is host to a smelly werewolf.
  3. Scarlet has been twelve years old for a century. Do you know how hard it is to keep up with fashion trends? She'll stick with her high-collared mourning dress, thank you very much.
  4. Bonnie & Clyde were fangsters. Bet you didn't know that. Bet you also didn't know that Scarlet wears Clyde's fedora religiously.
  5. Scarlet is afraid of the dark. And of creepy woods. And of losing her afterlife. What's it to you?
Did I mention that Scarlet has a bit of an attidude? Yeah. There's that.

About us:
Amie Borst is a PAL member of SCBWI. She believes in Unicorns, uses glitter whenever the opportunity arises, accessories in pink and eats too much chocolate. 
Bethanie Borst is a spunky 14 year old who loves archery, long bike rides and studying edible plant-life. She was only 9 when she came up with the idea for Cinderskella!
Little Dead Riding Hood is their second book in the Scarily Ever Laughter series. Their first book, Cinderskella, released in October 2013.
You can find them on facebook. Amie can be found on twitter, pinterest, and her blog


We're having two great giveaways as part of our blog tour! The first is for a copy of LITTLE DEAD RIDING HOOD! So be sure to enter the giveaway by following the steps on the rafflecopter form below.

THEN - as soon as you finish that, be sure to stop by my blog for a second contest! I'm having a SCAVENGER HUNT that you won't want to miss with lots of extra great prizes! All you have to do is make sure you enter the contest below first then hopping over to my blog and filling out the rafflecopter form there! Super easy! Here's the rafflecopter form for my blog just in case you missed it!   

See you soon! 

Thank you so much, Amie and Bethanie!

Grab a humorous, spooky books for your voracious middle-grade reader, guys! 



Tuesday, November 04, 2014

TODAY IS . . . FORBIDDEN Launch Day!!!

I'm seriously freaking out, overwhelmed, and thrilled that FORBIDDEN is out in the world at last!

I've been researching for 15 years, traveled to the Middle East, drafted and rewritten this book off and on for 10 years; the manuscript sold twice over to 2 different publishers, publication date was delayed a year - and it's FINALLY HERE!!! A real book I can hold in my hands and cry a little bit over!! Okay, so I bawled just a little bit. And it's a gorgeous hardcover with gold raised lettering . . . I carry it around the house with me, running my fingers over the cover and spine.

Be sure you head over to the very smart book industry blog, CYNSATIONS run by Cynthia Leitich Smith *this* Thursday, November 6th, where I talk about the very long writing and selling process of FORBIDDEN in more detail and all of the selling/taking it back gory details. A very nail-biting time with my agent that lasted several months . . . oy!

But for now please celebrate with me! Virtual brownies, cookies, and Dr Pepper! Raising my glass to the world and my friends!


FORBIDDEN is available for purchase at any bookstore or ebook retailer, online or real world.

A sweeping, epic saga of romance and hardship, set against the dramatic backdrop of ancient Mesopotamia—perfect for fans of Cleopatra's Moon or the adult bestseller The Red Tent.

This is a fast-paced, entertaining choice which will appeal to fans of historical fiction and romance, as well as readers interested in this dance form. -- School Library Journal

There are so many surprises and twists in this amazing book!! I was shocked and just completely stunned at certain parts. This book is truly a treasure and just the atmosphere will amaze you. The belly dancing and tribe traditions were so mesmerizing. -- Beth, Curling Up With a Good Book

(The most stunning, live action book trailer ever!)


Engrossing! I devoured this book and loved every minute of it. It's a character-driven story with tons of action, sword-fighting, murder, dancing, and romance against a stark but beautiful ancient desert background. I really enjoyed the writing style and Little's descriptions of the desert and dances and silk dresses. --Leigh, Mrs. ReaderPants 

Forbidden has one of the richest worlds and romances I've read, and the whole story is completely moving and beautiful. --Samantha, I Heart YA Fiction   

ENJOY A FEW TEASER GRAPHICS created by the amazing Jan Lewis at Author Sidekick

I hope you enjoy the book! Please ask your local public library to order copies! Share it with your Book Club! It's Young Adult, but Harpercollins is marketing it as Adult Crossover, too. **Happy, happy**

Here's a fabulous Book Club Guide, too, with Discussion Questions and a dessert recipe. 


Monday, November 03, 2014

Christmas in Snow Valley, Six Clean Romances for the Holidays - Launch Day Special! One Week Only


These new Christmas stories are heartwarming, thoughtful, romantic, and delicious!

Christmas in Snow Valley is only $.99 until November 8th.

Snow Valley, Montana, is a small community with the tradition of doing Christmas big. Festivities begin with tree lighting in the town square the day after Thanksgiving and continue until the culminating romantic Christmas Ball. From the Polar Express to a Winter Carnival, there’s something for every wonder-filled  child—and every couple who’s in love—or about to be.

An Unexpected Kiss by Cindy Roland Anderson

Lucy Phillips doesn’t want to spend her Christmas vacation dodging her ex-boyfriend, so when he turns up at the airport to give her a ride home, Lucy panics and asks a complete stranger to kiss her. Although the kiss is incredible, Lucy never expects to see the guy again. Is it bad luck or destiny when Lucy comes down with a sore throat and the new doctor in Snow Valley is none other than the guy she kissed at the airport?

Feels Like Love by Jeanette Lewis

Christmas in Snow Valley is the perfect way for April Winston to introduce her city slicker fiancé, Scott Mecham, to life on a farm. If only Wade Hadley, hometown boy and high school sweetheart, will cooperate! But Wade has no intention of letting April go without a fight. This Christmas, Wade is determined to overcome their painful past and show April that she already has what she’s been seeking all along.

Full Court Devotion by Cami Checketts

Kazlyn is too busy with her schooling and future plans to enjoy life, let alone fall in love with a man who has heartbreak written all over him. Tyrese Hamilton, a college basketball star and major heartthrob, is intrigued when Kazlyn doesn't pursue him or even seem interested. Ty's career is in jeopardy, and he needs a miracle and Kazlyn to save him.

The Christmas Eve Kiss by Taylor Hart

When Molly O’Hare gets a prediction that she will kiss her true love on Christmas Eve, she thinks it’s utterly ridiculous. But when she gets teamed up with Kevin Snow, aka her ex-boyfriend, to decorate a Christmas tree, things start to change. Too bad getting over the past is hard and seeing him kiss another girl is even harder. Now Molly is left with a choice—run away from home and heartbreak or let Christmas work out a miracle all of its own.

Risking it all for Love by Award-Winning author, Kimberley Montpetit

Ever since her high school boyfriend's death from a car accident three years earlier, Jessica Mason and her hometown of Snow Valley, Montana with all its awful memories have NOT been compatible. Running away to New Orleans on a ballet scholarship, Jessica cringes when she thinks about confronting Pastor John and the community church--she doesn't want to talk about God, not after He took Michael, the boy she was going to marry ever since third grade.

In the local scene of funky New Orleans, Jessica seeks out Madame LaBlanc, hoping Michael will absolve her of her guilt the night of the car accident in a seance, but the spirit world is silent and she fears the grief will drown her.

Finally succumbing to family pressure, Jessica reluctantly returns for Christmas - and the little town of Snow Valley does Christmas BIG. When she visits Michael’s grave in the church yard, Jessica is shocked to meet handsome James Douglas, Pastor John’s nephew, who’s studying for the ministry. No, she is NOT going to be attracted to someone who wants to be a preacher! Definitely not compatible! But James Douglas is unlike any minister-in-training she's ever met. James can not only dish back Jessica’s finely-tuned sarcasm but understands grief all too well, turning Jessica’s world upside down.

Can Jessica forgive herself for that terrible, fateful night? Can she take another risk on love?

Blue Christmas by Lucy McConnell

As head of Snow Valley hospital's fundraising effort, Paisley Hackett barely has time to organize the craft show, cookie decorating party, and the annual Christmas Ball. What she doesn't have time for is falling in love with Clay Jett, the incredibly handsome bass player who sweeps into town. She's been burned by a tourist romance before and, with everything going on, Paisley will have to work overtime to protect her heart from Clay and his swoon-worthy ballads.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


On November 4th, HarperCollins unveils Forbidden, a seductive YA debut from award-winning middle grade author Kimberley Griffiths Little - or moi! :-)
       Forbidden transports readers back in time to the deadly deserts and sweltering heat of Ancient Mesopotamia for a tale of danger, duty, and forbidden love. Jayden is on the brink of womanhood and betrothed to her tribe’s prince, cold-hearted Horeb. But when tragedy strikes, Jayden meets Kadesh, a mysterious visitor from the south who makes Jayden doubt everything she knows. Torn between loyalty to her tribe and the chance to escape her fate, Jayden must make a choice that will change her life forever.

Today, I'm unveiling the Forbidden trailer for the very first time!

I'm also offering a HUGE pre-order giveaway from October 6th to November 4th (release day!) to celebrate. See below for full details on how to enter.

  • You must preorder Forbidden through an online retailer or your local bookstore, then email a photo of your receipt to
  • Fill out the rafflecopter below
  • US/Canada Only
  • Ends at midnight EST on November 3, 2014
  • Optional entries: share the trailer on your own site or social media, follow me on twitter, and tweet about the giveaway (can be repeated daily for extra entries!)
  • Winners will be announced and contacted November 4th (release day!)
  • If the winner does not respond with their mailing address within one week, a new winner will be chosen.



2. CHAOS OF STARS by Kiersten White
3 Satin Belly Dance Skirt
4. Belly Dance 150-Coin Hip Scarf
5. Red Silk Veil (not pictured)
6. Red Middle Eastern Earrings
7. Belly dance DVD: Sensual Belly Dance with Blanca, a professional dancer (technique, choreography, and performances)
8. "Will YOU risk it all?" button (not pictured)
9. Set of 10 Book Club Cards
10. Jeweled bookmark (not pictured)
KINDLE FIRE WITH COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Well, it is pretty awesome. :-)


2. Red Middle Eastern Earrings
3. Red Silk Veil (not pictured)
4. Belly dance DVD: Sensual Belly Dance with Blanca, a professional dancer (technique, choreography, and performances)
5. "Will YOU risk it all?" button (not pictured)
6. Set of 10 Book Club Cards
7. Jeweled bookmark (not pictured)


1. Red Middle Eastern Earrings
2. "Will YOU risk it all?" button (not pictured)
3. Set of 10 Book Club Cards
4. Jeweled bookmark (not pictured)

Good luck!

About Forbidden: In the unforgiving Mesopotamian desert where Jayden’s tribe lives, betrothal celebrations abound, and tonight it is Jayden’s turn to be honored. But while this union with Horeb, the son of her tribe’s leader, will bring a life of riches and restore her family’s position within the tribe, it will come at the price of Jayden’s heart.

Then a shadowy boy from the Southern Lands appears. Handsome and mysterious, Kadesh fills Jayden’s heart with a passion she never knew possible. But with Horeb’s increasingly violent threats haunting Jayden’s every move, she knows she must find a way to escape—or die trying.

With a forbidden romance blossoming in her heart and her family’s survival on the line, Jayden must embark on a deadly journey to save the ones she loves—and find a true love for herself.

Set against the brilliant backdrop of the sprawling desert, the story of Jayden and Kadesh will leave readers absolutely breathless as they defy the odds and risk it all to be together.

Follow Me!

Award-winning author Kimberley Griffiths Little was born in San Francisco, but now lives in New Mexico on the banks of the Rio Grande with her husband and their three sons. Her middle-grade novels, When the Butterflies Came, The Last Snake Runner, The Healing Spell, and Circle of Secrets, have been praised as “fast-paced and dramatic,” with “beautifully realized settings.” Kimberley adores anything old and musty with a secret story to tell. She’s stayed in the haunted tower room at Borthwick Castle in Scotland; sailed the Seine in Paris; ridden a camel in Petra, Jordan; shopped the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul; and spent the night in an old Communist hotel in Bulgaria. You can visit her online at

Share your thoughts on the trailer in the comments!

I'm grateful to Justin Cook, a long-time friend with a grad degree in Film from Columbia University in NYC. The trailer was shot at Little Sahara Sand Dunes in southern Utah - looks SO much like the Middle East (where I've been and can attest to! LOL). I'm also grateful to the young actress, Sela, for her beauty and talent, and to her mother who did hair and makeup. Thank you as well to Lisa Fitz for the gorgeous Voice-Over work.

Please share with your friends! Many thanks to Tracey and Casey at Media Masters Publicity for organizing this huge 13 blog tour over the next month. 


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

HarperCollins has another giveaway of FORBIDDEN up on Goodreads!


They're giving away TEN copies!

Enter by October 21st for your chance to win.

And if you missed the launch of the STUNNING book trailer for FORBIDDEN, watch it right here! So grateful to the gorgeous actress, Sela, and my movie guy, Justin Cook. xoxo

Thursday, October 09, 2014

September Winner and October FORBIDDEN Giveaway!!

The September winner of My YA Debut Year Celebration for FORBIDDEN Giveaway is . . . 

Danielle Degis!!! 

I'll be emailing you, Danielle, to find out which Young Adult Novel you'd like me to send to you. AND you'll get a signed ARC of FORBIDDEN and Middle Eastern earrings and Book Club Cards. Congratulations!!

The Winner of October's Giveaway will receive
1. A signed FINISHED COPY of FORBIDDEN (Yes the book will be published and in bookstores by then!!!),
2. **ANY** Young Adult Novel of your choice
3. Middle Eastern earrings
4. 10 Book Club Cards. 
5. Gorgeous FORBIDDEN button
Pretty delicious, eh?

Enter the Rafflecopter and get extra points for spreading the word! 

Fingers crossed you win! 



Winner of The Southwest Book Award!

Time travel, war, love, rattlesnakes, magic . . .

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