Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What I've been doing since Christmas Eve

Cooking and eating and doing dishes and cooking and eating and doing dishes and running around with the kids and hubby and trying to have my long winter's nap as well as do some READING of my huge stack of books!!!

There is lots to post about but I'm not home long enough to do anything but - cook and eat and clean up! Oh - and grocery shopping. I swear I'm at Albertson's practically every day of the week. I should get an award for Best Customer. And then I almost forgot to pay the bills.

Christmas gifts and photos, the 2008 wrap-up, and my New Year's Goals are comiiiiiiiiing . . . . .

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In which I will cook and eat and do dishes once again.


Hardygirl said...

I'm chanting the same "cook and eat and do dishes mantra". My girls all start back to school tomorrow, so I can break the cycle and get back to work!

Happy 2009!


Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

Nice to know I'm not alone!
I'm trying to get unburied and get back to *normal*. Whatever that is. ;-D

At least I'm toying with the idea of microwave and take-out for awhile. No more big holiday meals for 7 people! Or 12. Or 18. Whew.



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